Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Predjudice essays

Predjudice essays Ever since I was a child I remember adults saying to me treat others as you would like to be treated. However you need only turn on your television to learn that so many people do not follow this golden rule. Prejudice should be eradicated from society because it only stands in the way of our worlds success. Prejudice should be eliminated because it slows advances in science, technology, and in our society. Prejudice halts progress in science because many scientists or hopeful scientists are not given the fair chance that they deserve. This happens because of their race of skin color. Often international progress is not achieved because one country may think it is better than another. Therefore, they do not want to attempt to combine their thoughts and ideas to perhaps form something that benefits everybody. Also, within our country sometimes ideas are not pursued because the person is of a different race. Prejudice presents a problem socially when people look down on others because of the way they look or talk. People often miss out on meeting new and interesting people because they have judged them even before they have met them. How is it possible to judge someone after just a moments glance? If contact and communication is not made between all races and ethnic backgrounds, some races will always believe they are superior to the others. Prejudice causes violent acts because if someone believes his race is superior to another he may wish to show the people of a different race that they are less superior by harassing them and imposing violence upon them. All people have the right to live no matter how they look or where they come from. If God put people on this earth who look different, than nobody can take that right away from them. Prejudice slows advances in technology because sometimes inventors who are not white will be reluctant to come forward with their ideas. They may believe th...

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